Tuesday, December 22, 2009

SMKTS prom night 2009.

waa..what can i say leh? the best prom? the worst prom? lol..well to me i feel kinda regreted going. feeling quite down and bored. Only the dancing part that was able raise my mood. wow i nvr dance like this..like some crazy people..nvr dance so long in my life. or shud i say i nvr dance before. But during prom i really dance like siao. hahaha...dance man..like u r in a disco hahaha...
well, on the downside, is i actually dont enjoy much.
I feel like is not worth it.
The ballroom was small and the lighting is not good.sometimes i feel like it was kinda dark.
Plus..the voting for prom queen, king and best dress are quite unfair..as i saw a person cheating by voting 5 times or more of the same person. so yeah....this prom i can't say is good nor bad.is just depends on what i saw and my mood.

Last but not least, Congratz to prom king Nicholas Leong, prom queen Celine Chung and best dressed Yujie. U guys are awesome.

PROM rating overall.. 4/10 =)

1 comment:

Celine said...

I happen to stumble upon your blog.
And thanks for congratulating me :D
Although i might win unfairly. HAHA.