Thursday, December 31, 2009

You CAN advance. =)

Blaming on other people while didn't realize yourself.
People who take the blame will always get unsatisfied and starts to raise anger.
What is right? What is wrong?
Why do life have to encounter so many misunderstanding among people?
Why can't we be equal?
Why do people have different personalities?
Why do people have feelings and emotion.
When there is hatred, can it bring peace and harmony again?
When there is broken heart nor sadness, can it find its way back home?
When there is happiness will it last long?

or should I just say why do people even have to be born with feelings.
Questions keep buzzing through my mind. . .
I know that this world, there are always light and dark..
The scale will always maintain its balance..
But sometimes, I just hope that the darkness within us will just disappear,
such a hussle to have hatred, it can destroy peoples emotion.
but then again misunderstanding always occurs among us, thus bring forth hatred....damn diao wan lo. hais..~.~

I know that I myself too, sometimes might be very clueless as of what i am doing.

That is why larh..Understanding is important, it act as the basic foundation to achieve peace.
People really have different personality, that is what scares me most.
Sometimes i fear that i will met the wrong people and starts to argue...wrong key to the wrong socket.=-=~ hahahhaa

So for a new year to start, i have to change myself too..a new can laugh at me if you want but this time i am serious. I myself also got many problem that i hate most. and hope that some day these problem that i owned will just perish right in front of my eyes..
My problem thus far are the following...
-Trying to act smart while i am not.
-Don't dare to face problem. Will always find excuses to cover it up.
-Always get shy around girls. Can't communicate with them well.
-A weakling and a lazy fella who always do things slowly and stupidly...
-Get irritated and pissed off easily.
-Get jealous easily and starts to get emo.
-Afraid of people who have high knowledge than me.
-Sometimes try to act lan ci and trying to be outstanding but abit also not cool.....=__=
-Never think before i act...
-Very confuse in everything, knowing the truth yet tries to escape; knowing it is possible yet dare not try; knowing it is correct yet kept quiet..

-Lastly, act like an idiot who always do things wrongly.

hahaha well i said it..~ pai seh wei..
Thats why sometimes i keep hating myself ..~ =/
and for now.... my goal is to overcome it, to have a change in life. to improve it, to get a good image.

I have to remain calm when i get pissed off.
Can't act violently regardless of what goes wrong. hehehe

Really la...must change d la.. I promised. I sure change wan. I will turn over a new leaf. =)
So... old friends. You heard? The next time you see me. I will be a different person..Hhahaha.. XD

I will take my life more serious ler la.. to make it more meaningful..dont always sit infront computer play play play..tiap tiap hari also like no life at ALL.. =__=...
maybe i will just start drawing as an hobby or perhaps thinking of buying a guitar and learn to play with it by myself when there is free time. =)

That is all la.
Wow.. so late already. 3.20am o.o
Is time for bed...good night. ^^

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