Thursday, December 17, 2009


SPM is finally over and I still feel about the same, don't have the hype up feel or excitement that was expected to have it after exam. Maybe partly is because I still miss my school and my friends. We gonna part ways after we graduate. We are slowly stepping forward to a new stage in life.
We are now mature and has become an adult. Have to be more rasional and take care of things yourself, can't depends on parents anymore. Gonna miss those old times. With a blink of an eye, TIME do fly with an extreme speed. Scary.+_+

On the bright side, I actually kinda glad that SPM is over, because before that, is really giving me a hell of stress and headache studying. Besides, i can get to have time to play and go out more often, but i still don't really enjoy much.
Few days ago, my dad won a Nintendo Wii through a lucky draw. I was kinda surprise that he won such an expensive console, talk about being o.o. Now hope my mom buy toto can strike 1st prize. hahahaha. I myself not really a wii fan but i already kinda addicted to it. =.=!!

School prom night is getting close day by day, and I had already spent all my money on cloths and stuff day by day. Pukima!! =>= pok jor lar now. My budget become negative d. Diao lar. Actually damn true with the "money is everything" quote from Edwin. No money really can't be at ease and instead will live a hard life. Gonna get a job and earn money from working. man..damn lazy to work. because i never work before. I had also went to various places with a bunch of friends to shopping centre, mainly is to buy cloths dress for the upcoming prom. Went to 1u on the 1st day of shopping spree after SPM, and end up buy a vest. Just lepak here and there. Watched Princess and the frog. Nice movie, long time no watch disney classic cartoon ler so that's why I kinda really looking forward to watch.haha but although it was nice i slept in the cinema half-way through the movie. Not because of the movie but the cramp place that the TGV provided that make me feel so uncomfortable plus not able to focus on the movie and end up falling asleep.zz =_=
And that was also the day I finally ask beng to be my prom partner. Finally can build up the courage to ask her la. coz i really the shy-type wan mar. hahaha. I will try my best and change for the better.I promised. I really hope we will did great during prom. =]

Then the day after, went to sungai wang and Time Square. Shop till you drop dead man. =_= I really beh tahan the long hours non-stop walk. Plus i never get to go to Sungai wang cos i came late. and the early comers already went. hais. Oh well, i saw most of my friends bought alot of things, and I myself also finally buy shoes for prom. Like the shoes plus is cheap with a price of RM55 =) quite satisfied now. hahaha.
And i have a word to pheng and beng. please don't walk so fast, I really hard to catch up to you all.
beh tahan d lo. always walk so fast without telling others. suddenly disappear then suddenly appear again out of nowhere. waaa...the reason why my leg so cramp la..LOL. ~.~

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