Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sad!zzz T_T

Today, school was ok, untill teachers suddenly ask us to changed place. I'd been asked to sit at the back end of the row, near the window. Nooooooo. T___T Its so hot without the fan, I can't sleep like this...lol.. My previous place was so much more better. Wtf. Most of our class teachers complained that sum1 is very noisy in our class (I dont mention names here.) all thier fault T_____T. Now, why do I haf to suffer like this, I dont have anyone to talk to.Argg... I feel like knocking my head off.

Plus, our school has added lots of new school rules. One of em is, we cant touch each other, I mean girl and boy making skin contact is forbidden.
They say that if ur massage or touch the hair, teacher will report to police and go to jail. WTF..omg..crazy, hey what is wrong, this is stupid stupid, Stupid!!!!
Hey, why not say that, when recess. we are all in the canteen and is crowded, our skin was already touching each other, why not say I'd already molested that girl, and I can go to jail??!!! What if got couple, they cant hold hands anymore??!! Bodoh nia~~ and one more thing, massage on the shoulders pun tak boleh? Does that count I'd molested someone? If the school don't like then why not separate the students la, boys can study in Block A and girls study in Block B. ( but I really dont want this to actually happen. lol.)

Haiz, make me hate school more and more, I shud hav enjoy schoollife. T_T
(Stupid babi, make me wanna throw some bah-kut-teh at em.)
(If I'd the Geass power like Zero from Code Geass, I shall change Malaysia. To seek justice.)

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