Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Got tagged~ This tag so troublesome. So long. =/

1. Last beverage = Milk
2. Last phone call = Zhi Herng
3. Last text message = Eng Keat
4. Last song you listened to = Jay Chou - Shuo Hao De Xing Fu Ne
5. Last time you cried = Tears drop while watching Korea Movie 'Tsunami' (about 2 days ago.)

6. Dated someone twice = Nope~
7. Been cheated on = No
8. Kissed someone & regretted it = No lor~
9. Lost someone special = At the moment. Nope.
10. Been depressed = Yes!! My exams result.~ hais
11. Been drunk and threw up = I don't drink. =)

12. Sky Blue
13. Violet
14. Black

15. Made a new friend = Yeah yeah. (You know me, i know you. Friend liao lor.) lol~
16. Fallen out of love = Maybe =/
17. Laughed until you cried = Yeah~ While watching some funny video on YouTube =.=!!
18. Met someone who changed you = Yeap~
19. Found out who your true friends were = No~
20. Found out someone was talking about you = Er..Yeah..Today at school. = =
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list = Nope~
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life = All except one (Jing)
23. How many kids do you want to have = At least 2 lo.
24. Do you have any pets = One turtle. One Dog.
25. Do you want to change your name = Don't want, I am proud of my name . =)
26. What did you do for your last birthday = Celebrate at Ming Tian, Taman Megah with a bunch of friends.
27. What time did you wake up today = 6:45am
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = Blogging and Facebook.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = To get myself a PS3 =.=(There are lots of games I am dying to play)
30.When you last saw your dad = Yesterday
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? = My personality? =/ My height. =.=
32. What are you listening to right now = Nothing.~
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = No
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = My own future. My SPM result.
35. Most visited webpage = = =
36. What’s your real name = Tan Hoe Chong
37. Nicknames = Justin.
39. Zodiac sign = Leo
40. Male or female? = Male
41. Primary school = SRJK(C) Puay Chai
42. High School = SMK Taman SEA
43. Uni = Not Yet. Still in High School~
44. Hair colour = Brown-Black
45. Long or short =What ar? Which part o? = =zz
46. Height = 169cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = Yes. But slowly losing interest. Hope can gain back. I dunno. =O
48: What do you like about yourself? = Nothing. I don't really like my current self right now.
49. Piercings = Nope
50. Tattoos = Nooo...
51. Righty or leftie = Leftie~` ^^

52. First surgery = My cleft lips when i was still a baby. =I
53. First piercing = No~~
54. First best friend = Is a girl named Fiona from Primary School. =]
55. First sport you joined = Badminton
56. First vacation = Dunno la..Forgot.~
58. First pair of trainers = Nope.~~~

59. Eating = Nothing~
60. Drinking = Milk ( Just Finished)
61. I'm about to = Study for my upcoming SPM examination~
62. Listening to = Nothing~~
63. Waiting on = Finishing this tag. so long leh.~ =.=

64. Want kids? = Sure~
65. Get Married? = Sure =)
66. Career? = Er~Illustrator or something that has to do with art and design.~

67. Lips or eyes = Eyes. ^-^
68. Hugs or kisses = Hugs will be nice.~
69. Shorter or taller = Taller~
70. Older or Younger = Both have their good and bad.~~Not too old not too young lo..~
71. Romantic or spontaneous = er..spontaneous i guess~
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = I don't care.~
73. Sensitive or loud = Sensitive~
74. Hook-up or relationship = Relationship. ~
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = Hesitant. =)

76. Kissed a stranger = Nooo..~ won't simply kiss people. = =
77. Drank hard liquor= No~ I don't drink wan.~
78. Lost glasses/contacts = Nope~~
79. Sex on first date = So not right.~ zz
80. Broken someone's heart = I guess. =/
81. Had your own heart broken = Yeap.~
82. Been arrested = Nope. =)
83. Turned someone down = Yeah. Feel bad for that person =.=!
84. Cried when someone died = So far..No.~
85. Fallen for a friend? = Yeah..but slowly losing interest. ~

86. Yourself = Of course.~
87. Miracles = Not really. But sometimes I do.~ =)
88. Love at first sight = Nope.
89. Heaven = I don't~ but I believe in God. =)
90. Santa Claus = No such thing.~
91. Kiss on the first date =Noo~
92. Angels = Nope.~

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time =No~~
95. Did you sing today? = Er. I sing along the some of the Jay Chou's songs just now.
96. Ever cheated on somebody? = No~
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? = All the way back to the Dinosaur Era.~lol.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?= My birthday.~
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? = Kinda.~ I can't really face the girl i like.Which is a big problem to me. = =
100. Posting this as 100 truths? =Abuthen?! 100 lies!? Why am I doing this in the first place then..=.=

I tag everyone who is interested to do lo.~~~

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


SPM 即将来临。 人慢慢地开始紧张起来,我剩下一个月半的时间,足够我去追回所有的课程吗?

现在的我在与时间斗快,不可以再输了..一旦失败,我面前的路就不会再有光线的指引.. Help leh..T_T

Exams feak out~

This past week that we had has gone rather quickly.

Trial exams are over, which mean SPM is here. Still not prepare. =(

It was a terrible day for me. I got back some of my trial examination papers after 1 week of holidays. Results are being shown. I don’t even want to look at it, because I knew that I did badly for my trial. Well, guess what, I’m actually right, 4 subjects failed. Totally freak out, very depressed at my own result right now. How can I break the news to my parents?! Especially Bahasa Malaysia, as usual I failed again. Keep repeating the past. Plus, I make alot of careless mistakes. =(

For my trial, I have been doing revision, slowly and in good quantities but anything that I do seems to all go to waste, and in the end what i got is a fail. Really wei, how to become smart want ar? = =

To tell the truth, I personally hate exams, I hate being under pressure and even though I get 25% extra time, I can’t do anything properly. Every time, before teacher hand out the exam question paper, I always feel confidence that I can do very well, but once I received the paper and look at the questions, my mind suddenly stop working, and resulting me become panic. Don’t know what to write, especially Sejarah and Account.
Sejarah is a memorizing subject. I thought I did actually memorize a lot of the facts that I read from the notes. But once the exam started, I totally forgotten everything. My mind completely blank, can’t recall what I read. And this goes the same for my account. I suddenly forgotten how to do perkongsian and most of it. I got the feeling this time i might failed my Account too. Why!! Hais…~

49 days left to SPM. I am totally unprepared. Regardless, I will try my best to improve, must did well in the upcoming SPM examination and pass with flying colours. Even though is a very hard task for me. I must work hard to achieve my goal. I really want to enter college to pursue my study and have a better future in life. =) Gambarro~~ ^^

Friday, September 25, 2009


hahaha~ lame right. I was bored, as a result i decided to record all these videos for fun~

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today went out with my friends to Sunway Pyramid.~ Reached there around 11:30am, meet up with friends and had our lunch there. After that, We started walking around the shopping centre for quite some time. actually did walk quite a long time lar.~ We did pay a visit to alot of shops but I didn't buy anything.~ cos I didn't bring enough cash, and most of the items are really not affordable.~ really sad hais.~~ The guys never buy anything at all. The girls did buy a few things i guess. =)
Watched movie. Where got ghost? The movie was quite O-Kay~ to me, it was worth watching lar.~ laughing all the way. the scary part also not that scary geh. xD
I will give it a 3/5 rating score..;p

Finished watching, go makan again.~ seriously, my money all used up on the foods instead of buying things.~ The prices of the food are expected de lo~ After eating, its time to go back home ler.~ I go home with Ting Pheng's car as she really live near my house~~ While waiting for her dad to fetch us, We watch Jia Qi lame video know the way you play it and pause it then you play it again to take a different recording view. Like making a person disappear all of a sudden..haha lame. = = Actually, this outing i really really tired, can't even think straight..I even sleep in the car while on the way back home...hahaha since i was the last one to be fetched home after sending off 3 others. blur blur~~ SLeep like 6am in the morning and wake up at 8, only 2 hours of sleep nia..~ @.@ Still, it was enjoyable la. overall...LoL~

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back Lorr~~

Hii guys~~ long time no see..xD I'd been away for so long, now finally i'd decided to revive my so-call long dead blog. ( Never had any new update for a year. = =)
See~. I did keep my promise de. This dead blog finally come back to life lo. Actually the reason why I decided to go back blogging is bacause the influnce of my friend lo. So many of them play blog de, i might as well go back blogging lar.~

1st post of the year. xD

Here's the story of my day. 22/09/2009 ~

Wake up around 10:30am. (At hometown, Taiping) Had Breakfast at wai sek kai there. After eating, go lepak at the Taiping lake garden. Such beautiful environment. So liking it there. =) Gotta love my hometown. ^^ As we drive past a sign-board that say "burmise pool" or somthing. I was thinking maybe is the waterfall that I used to go to play long long time ago. Forgot since when I last go there de but must be way back 2-3 years ago lar~~ . And so then we drive into that road. And guess what.. just like I thought, is actually the road that leads to the waterfall..haha...really miss that place long nvr go there enjoy playing the water and breathing the fresh air around it. Even my Uncle also forgot that there is a waterfall located there. Hahaha~~ Anyway, that place is like so crowded with so many ppl and cars cramping in 1 small path that leads to the waterfall area. So many cars parked besides that 1 road.. that even our car can hardly drive in.~~But unexpectedly we found a parking slot..haha

After that, we quickly rush to the waterfall path and saw many ppl having fun. 90% population are malays. Anyway, we had lots of fun despite not bringing any extra pants ot shirts we still try our best to have fun with the water..xD hahahaha really ar..~ so nice..~ The Air is so clean..~~Totally love it..^^ after having fun for like 1 hour we go back. ~~ haha..
End of story.~ ^^ ( Sorry for the rush ..haha~ faster end my post of the day and go play dota liao.~~frends waiting.=p) I will post some picture and let em do the talking lar..~~