Sunday, December 2, 2007

Kanon 2002 Vs Kanon 2006~~ XD



Kanon is a anime series originally adapted from a japanese visual novel hentai game developed by Key~~ There are 2 anime adaptation, the first one is.. of course the 2002 version, containing 13 episodes. Later, after 4 years..Kyoto Animation *kyoAni for short* ( Damn , kyoAni has to be the best japanese animation studio eva..) decided to remake this Kanon series, containing twenty-four episodes~~Thus, there are 2 Kanon series now ( the 2002 and the 2006 remake).

Ok, I'll start off...What were the differences so far between 2002's as well as 2006, in terms of pacing, animation, quality, storytelling, etc.?...well, let me explain...
The ANimation- Well, clearly..this is a miismatch...The 2002 version has some of the worst character designs of all time.(Haha, Bakaa..yeah I know, what do you expect..anime from 2002, of course they have sucky character design. But really, i have to admit that the character design is very Fukc up, worst than Love ) The 2006 version has more improved character design, and much greater attention to details. However, it's the old version that is more creative when it comes to color choices. And they have many more types of images compared to the new version. The new version provides more eye candy ^ ^.....some of the sweetest drawings you will see since AIR.( Of don't need me to explain do you?? KYOTO ANIMATION RAWKZ! Hell ya...XD)
Music--Alright, now the music..I have to admit that the 2002 version is better..they have several catchy tunes, with Ayu's theme being the highlight. sob sob T_T../The music in the new version can only be described how do you say?? incidental?? (is this the right word to use?, yaya my grammar suckz..) Ahh..fuk it..-.-'
Voice acting (Seiyuu)-- Same seiyuu except Yuichi ..( The 2002 seiyuu for Yuuichi.. from a sucky seiyuu ..and the 2006 version is voice by Tomakazu Sugita, yeah.. the same Seiyuu who voice Kyon from Suzumiya Haruhi and the main guy from Shuffle! * I forgot his name*-.-') He is very good seiyuu^ ^ of course I prefer the new one. and also YUI HORIE, she voice Ayu---Uguuuu~~Uguuuu~~*so Kawaii*XD..well, obviously, the voices are the same.
Storytelling --- Again, the original does a much better job, through 2 episodes. In the 2002 version, they let you know what is important from the beginning// for example, the 7-year promise between Yuuichi and Ayu, and their efforts to keep the promise. In the 2006 version, if I remember.. after 2 episodes,.I still don't have a clear picture of the main theme.
Overall --- well overall, I prefer the 2006 version better, as long as they don't skewer things at the end...It's slower pacing allows me to enjoy the character interactions and learn more about the characters. The animation is great... The 2002 version was fast paced and not providing much comedy....and it's coming up short when it comes to drama, suspense, and action etc.. The pace which kyoAni has picked for the 24 is perfect. The plot development is right since all are developin together. I think every one knows from OP, ED and the story that Ayu is very important. . and most importently.they use the original sound track for the remake.

6/10 - 2002 version (sori-- I just don't like the character design. Regardless, how nice the show is, if the character design sucks, i will rate it very low.Kome~~~ Kome~~)
9/10- 2006 version

Oh ya..I almost forgot... here's the plot~~
Changing schools is something Yuuchi is accustomed to, due to his parent’s profession, and with their recent venture to Africa, he is returning to his aunt’s home after 7 years. The time that has passed since his last visit has faded his memories of the people he knew, and the ties that bonded them to him, including his cousin Nayuki. Slowly those people, coincidently all being girls, find their way back to him. However, time has passed and things have happened in their own lives that sets the tone for the series. Secrets that are coming to surface, and memories that are returning to not only Yuuichi, but to those surrounding him.


Jun said...

the 2002 wan very geli.

Tan Hoe Chong said...

ya true..