Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Comic Fiesta 2007

Alright, I might be abit late, but heck.. since I have time might as well post somthing. Well, about this year Comic Fiesta, is very disappointing~~ serious... there's really nothing special. This year Comic Fiesta was held at Time Square.

Well, for the events itself. I reached there about 12am, and looked up from the entrance just to see a huge bunch of people lining up at the entrance. When I went in, I saw a lot cosplayers busying tidying themselves up and everything, lots of pro artists showing off their own artworks, selling doujinshi, people walking around etc etc~~ To tell you the truth, I seriously don't like any of the cosplayers at all (except Kon from Bleach and a girl cosplay a erm.... a goddess??? lol ) there's also a cosplay competition, Haruhi and Keroro dance..lol.

Aiya, there's nothing much... although is very disappointing , arh~~ at least is still worth going ..haha coz I bought some stuff there..^ ^

Anyway, on to the pictures~~

1 comment:

Jas said...

Ahhh!!! I wanna go but my parents don't allow! Envy you! Buy so many things... I want KH's!!!

I saw my Cloud~ <3 ^^