Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cincai post.


  • Dear god! Please present us a cooling weather. Currently the weather is like sauna. Even after raining, the bloody heat is still wandering and hanging around the air.  D:
  • Finally succeeded in resolving on handing my college fees.    ole ole. ~
  • Please kindly don't cut off a person's conversation if necessary. It's kinda rude. :/
  • Da fuq, I slept in the LRT and my head nearly tilted and leaned over to the person beside me. ( The girl opposite revealed a dim laugh ). sai lou lui, so funny meh. -.-
  • Went to clinic with a long face, to get medicine for the cough.
    To my surprise, doctor was a young lady, quite pretty too. o.O  not bad eh~ got sweet smile some more, it actually brightens up my day a bit. lol
    I guess she is married , as I saw children drawing hanging around on the wall.
  • Dyed my hair with color; light brown. Turns out it wasn't what I expected, but still, I'm fine with it. 
  • Procrastinate on my assignments as usual.   
  • Oh, Happy Birthday to my sis. :))

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