Thursday, June 20, 2013


Lately been having a very hectic schedule on battling the wave.
Despite that, I can still certain to think that I am capable of leisurely taking my time to procrastinate.
I am having a hard time on webpage. It just ain't my cup of tea. (Why this subject exists in the first place. hai~) 
I just don't like observing digits. (That doesn't mean my maths is bad.)
Regardless, I won't be giving up;        is not an optionnnn.~
Got to start to make an effort to really understand the material that I am learning.  Step my steps sure can success one. :)) *optimism level to the max*
I guess I will work out more too, it gives me little bit of aspiration and motivation after that.

On a side note,  today when I was in the LRT, in the midst of my nap, I was awoken by two Japanese and two Malaysian chatting and communicating with each other across me. It was actually quite a pleasant sight, as they are friendly and jokingly teaching their own language to each others.

I overheard the Malaysian taught the Japanese how to pronounce ' Mailbox ' in English.
And guess how they pronounced.....   "Mewwwbocks".
" What? Nooooo, not "mewwwww"  is "mailllllll" replied one of the Malaysian.
"Kawaii ne" . replied the other. 

and they burst out laughing together.
Haha, I was actually laughing too. Nasib they didn't noticed me. o.O

I really like observing people enjoying themselves, it actually helps spread more smiles on the surrounding.
It hinted me with the thoughts of  "People should leave no regrets and look forward with a smile." :))

Peace out.~ ._.v

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Cincai post.


  • Dear god! Please present us a cooling weather. Currently the weather is like sauna. Even after raining, the bloody heat is still wandering and hanging around the air.  D:
  • Finally succeeded in resolving on handing my college fees.    ole ole. ~
  • Please kindly don't cut off a person's conversation if necessary. It's kinda rude. :/
  • Da fuq, I slept in the LRT and my head nearly tilted and leaned over to the person beside me. ( The girl opposite revealed a dim laugh ). sai lou lui, so funny meh. -.-
  • Went to clinic with a long face, to get medicine for the cough.
    To my surprise, doctor was a young lady, quite pretty too. o.O  not bad eh~ got sweet smile some more, it actually brightens up my day a bit. lol
    I guess she is married , as I saw children drawing hanging around on the wall.
  • Dyed my hair with color; light brown. Turns out it wasn't what I expected, but still, I'm fine with it. 
  • Procrastinate on my assignments as usual.   
  • Oh, Happy Birthday to my sis. :))

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Today, it was supposed to be a good start at college and guess what...

The bloody process of paying school fees for the college just killed my mood.
Why the hell the procedure and services in Malaysia doesn't make life easier for the people, instead always have to go through the troublesome route. So laid-back kind of doing things.
Although, in this case, most of the time I believed is my own carelessness lar.
Regardless, I still beh song.. the counter lady doesn't smile , it makes my mood even worst. ._.

1st attempt - Prior to today; last week, the awesome me tried to pay le school fee, ended up got rejected by telling me,

"  you have to photocopy TWO copies of your bill. "
* Stares at me with that serious look* 


okkayyy. *somehow feeling annoyed*

2nd attempt - Today, went there with TWO copies of  my bill, took the number , macam yes like that, waited for around 30mins, mana tau ended up got rejected the second time by telling me.

" You never change your card limit? please read the instruction "

*O.O oh crapp*

Aduiii~ , I'd totally forgotten that I got my new public bank card, so I have to change the withdrawal limit and thus I went back to the ATM and did the amending.

3rd attempt - Took the number like a lou sai and waited for about 20 mins, but this time really zha dou, I got rejected again of course and I was told AGAIN......

*Again with the moody expression of her*
" You didn't change your card limit? read the instruction over there " 
" huh? oh..Okay. "

My inner thoughts ---> (TMD. I thought I just changed eh. o.O. .play me a ??!!)

so I went back to the ATM thinking do I actually did wrong. And little did I know, kns eh, I really so stupid select the wrong choice indeed. There are both almost the same, one is Withdrawal Limit and the other one is don't know apa Daily Limit. I should be selecting the daily limit and change that one instead, not the withdrawal limit. And so realizing what an idiot I am and finally changed it this time, thinking it should be fine and all and I went back to the bursary to settle it up once and for all Biaaaaatch!!~~ You think is over right? And I was so wrong. -_-

4th attempt - Took the number confidently, thought can settle it ady.. finally finally~ Waited for about 25 mins. Went to the counter and that same lady told me

*Again, with the same noob moody face*" You didn't change your card limit? " 

 " Erm, yeah, I had already changed it  -.-"  

My inner thoughts ---> (What!!  What the fuck is this shit.)

" When did you change? "" Today, like just now? o.O "

" Oh, today cannottt, *shakes head* come again tomorrow "
*poker face* " Oh. Okay. "

* Walks away like an idiot*  

Oh by the way, I was sweating quite profusely.

Meanwhile, In the lift alone.......


Mood level as of current : Down. .. Why so hot. What's with the weather here. Please rain more. :((