Sunday, March 9, 2008

Title?? <-- Apu tu? xD

Woke up at 8:40am....I was too sleepy, can't help it, so I went back to sleep again. Woke up again at 12:00 noon..-.-' . After that, on my PC.. and start to continue my endless download of ANime.....END.. lol

Kk, well today nothing much...was playin with my PS2 this whole afternoon.
The game I played was Fatal Frame 2:Crimson Butterfly..
Well, I was thinking of playin for like 1 hour just to kill time becoz I was bored..but I was wrong, I got addicted to the game and I can't stop myself from playin anymore. I was glued to the sofa...-.-'
Hell Yeah.. this is one of my favourite game, been a long time since I last played this game.
Is a survival-horror game btw.=D yeah... this game is all about spirit/ghost, ghost?? and more ghost... lol....scare??? balls xD
I really like the story...this is one of the reason why I like this game...
You are Mio, the girl you are controlling in the game....your twin sister, Mayu and you both discover a abandoned village....O.O yeah, remember is a village not your typical haunted mansion or watever...xD. The village which is dark, misty, and frightening.
You promised your sister through memories that you would never leave her, but for some reason you have a hard time keeping it.... You entire quest is based on knowing about the traditions they do there and meet some unexpected foes, yeah ..Ghost.. xD There is some irony in this storyline.. which means some things you never expected to happen in the first place...O.O.. You are actually presented with the camera as only your basically, you are to use that camera to tell your enemy spirits to say ''Cheese'' by giving them a nice snapshot....LOL..From then, they will give you EXP points that allows you to upgrade your camera with several bonus functions...woohoo.. You'll also need the required items such as Spirit Orbs to give your camera a opportunity to max out the power..=D
Well yeah, thats how you play the game.... the main idea here is that you're trapped in a haunted village, and have to take pictures of ghosts to capture them....This game is good and does a great job of spooking you along the way...xD and I'm WARNING you.. don't play this game alone at NIGHT..well, if only you're brave enough like me...xD i'm not trying to be lan ci ok//..

Alright, here's a description of my feeling and all while playin 1 of the chapter from the game..I still remember clearly how I died 7 times in that chapter..yeah that was when I first played FF2.

Ok, there is this ghost named Sae...which for no reason.. keep chasing you in this whole chapter and trying to end your life. She was invincible at that time, so basically you can't killed her with your camera, and the only thing you can do is to run away from her. -.- Yeah, annoying ghost...
Sae appeared out of nowhere and trying to backstabbed me...

Me: WTF!! You this $^%*^(^*$^#^*^ ghost again...go away you stupid gay..i mean ghost..

1st- I didn’t know what to do and headed back to a small storage room. Killed by Sae while running around in panic.

2nd- My next plan was to get out from where I first came in. So, I headed back to that room again, open the door to see Sae, lure her out so that I can access to the next room, and unluckily, was caught and got killed again.

3rd-I tried again, and this time, after opening the door where Sae is standing, I simply run right through her, and successfully made my way back to the room where I first came into...... My nose was just almost touching the door and Sae caught me. Game Over...-.-

4th-Tried again, and finally get to examine the door!!! ---And to find it sealed with unknown forces...… WTF....died again coz I was caught by Sae. (you have to get an item to unlock that door, that item is a Doll btw)

5th-Then where should I go!? hmm, and so I tried again, and this time I saw a small wooden door. Went in, at first I didn't know that there was the Doll hanging down from the celling (which is the item to unlock the god damn dooor). Thought nothing inside, is a dead end, so went out empty handed and caught by Sae again...-__-

6th-Went into the small wooden door again and double-checked the entire room, happy that I found the Doll at last. Went out, and this time, managed to run through Sae. But I ran into the wrong direction OMFG...and to find the door there locked -_- Died helplessly.

7th-Ok, returned to get that stupid Doll, then back again to solve the puzzle.
I spent another 15 minutes trying to analyze what the Doll Maker’s note was saying, and then giving up in exasperation and spinning the device without thinking.
Failed 3 times and Sae came in. I hide in the closet but eventually, still died.....-.-'

Finally, by luck, I managed to get the device to work!!!!!!
Sae: “Don’t go, stay with me…”
Me: “Yeah, right!!..Bye" (leave room) =D

and so thats how I died 7 times.....-.-'
Highly recommend you to play this game....Have to admit that is reallyyyyy scary, some scenes even makes me jump..but once you been through the game, you will get addicted just like me..=D, oh yeah, and the "True" Ending was really sad but er....stupid, becoz it doesn't make sense at all....

The DVD cover....xD

On a really random note....I bought a new
and here are some of the pictures of my own personal computer.. xD


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