Sunday, January 6, 2008

Part 2 ( Spoilers )

Well, Let's continue the summary of 5cm per seconds

Chapter 2- Cosmonaut

This chapter starts with Takaki has a strange dream of walking up the hill with a girl. At the top of the hill, they were surrouded by an "outer-space" sky to watch sunrise. The scenes then quickly switchs to Takaki practising archery early in the morning at school in his new home on Tanegashima. A girl named Kanae Sumita is driving her to school with her scooter and it seems she's going early to school on purpose to meet Takaki. Then it turns out that Kanae has a secret crush on Takaki and she just can't stop thinking abt him.

Takaki has a secret admirer, Kanae Sumita

During lunch break, Kanae's friends tease her that Takaki may have a girlfriend in Tokyo. After school, Kanae pretends to be just going back around the same time as Takaki. They ride home side bu side on their scooter. Kanae is very happy that she could be with Takaki alone and think to herself ." If I had tail like a dog,I'd swing it right away. But I feel relived that I'm not a dog,as I think abt how silly I am. Even so, I feel happy when I come home together with Tohno-kun"

Kanae’s friends tease her saying Takaki probably has a girlfriend already.

Kanae then thinks back to the time when she fell for him in junior high year two. That time Takaki had just transferred over but she felt there was something different about him from other boys. As time went on, she studied hard just to get into the same junior high school as Takaki. Now the more she sees him, the more she’s in love with him.

Kanae worked hard to get into the same senior high school as Takaki.

Back to the present, Takaki and Kanae arrive at their usual convenience store to buy something to drink. Takaki picks up his usual drink and wait for her outside while Kanae spends sometime picking. When she finally pays and leaves the store, she finds Takaki writing an e-mail to someone as usual. It wasn’t the first time she saw him doing this and it always made her feel uncomfortable. If only the person he was e-mailing was her.

Kanae and Takaki picking drinks at the usual convenience store.

The next day, Kanae gets called into the school office for being the only one not filling out a future plans form out of the entire third year class. Then a classmate of Takaki wonders why his girlfriend was being called into the office. Takaki denies Kanae is his girlfriend. Inside the office, Kanae doesn’t know how to answer the teacher. She hadn’t thought about her future yet.

Kanae still doesn’t know what her future plans are.

Later that evening, Kanae goes to practise surfing. She thinks about how she wasn’t making any progress in any of the things she’s being doing so far. She hasn’t been able to surf after being taught by her older sister and hasn’t even become Takaki’s girlfriend. She finishes up and rides home but finds Takaki’s scooter parked at the side of the road along the way. She finds him sitting on a hill smiling and writing another e-mail on his phone again.

Takaki sitting out in the night typing up an e-mail to someone.

Sitting next to each other, they talk for a moment about their future and Takaki tells her he plans to go to university in Tokyo. On the other hand, Kanae still didn’t know what she was going to do. She folds up her questionaire into a paper airplane and throws it away. After hat, they head home only to be stopped by a roadblock. The latest space exploration satellite was being transported and was going to be launched to travel beyond the solar system.

The satellite being transported.

Back in Takaki home, he appears to be writing an e-mail to someone about having that same dream again. Perhaps to Akari? In the previous dream, he was walking with a girl and couldn’t see her face as usual. But there was something nostalgic about it. Just as he is abt to enter an address, he cancels them. He then ask himself how long it been since he had this habit of writing e-mails with no addressee filled in.

It seems Takaki has broke off contact with Akari for some time now.

The next day, the weather was much better and a little cooler. Kanae sets out to practise surfing again. Kanae’s sister asks if she has any plans for her future yet but she didn’t. However, she thinks it’s fine that way and just wants to do whatever she can one thing at a time. She runs out to surf and unlike earlier, she could ride the waves this time. It been half a year before she managed it.

Kanae manages to surf.

Back at school, Kanae was in a good mood and had decided the thing to do was to confess her love too to Takaki. If she couldn’t do it now, she’ll never be able to do it. After school, Kanae waits for Takaki again and they drops by at the usual convenience store. While picking their drinks, Kanae looks up hoping to see Takaki looking at her but is disappointed. When they try leaving on their scooters, Kanae’s one can’t move. Takaki decides to walk her home.

Disappointed, Takaki isn’t looking at her. Poor Kanae X)

Walking along the path under the afternoon sun, neither of the two speak. Kanae looks over at Takaki but again, he isn’t looking at her. The wind blows by. Kanae can’t stand it any longer and begins to cry as she realises something. As she struggles to hold back the tears, she begs Takaki not to be so nice to her.

Again, on there walk back Takaki isn’t looking at her. X)

The moment of confusion is broken as the satellite is launched. As Kanae and Takaki stands staring into the sky, she notices how he has always gazed into the distance as if searching for something. She also understands why she saw Takaki differently from the other boys. At the same time, she also realises that he had never really set eyes on her. That is why she couldn’t confess her love to him. To Kanae, Takaki was a very nice guy but he was always looking for someone else far far away. Far away from Kanae. Even so, she will always love Takaki. Chapter 2 end.

The satellite is being lauched into outer-space

Takaki’s dream with a “mysterious” girl.

The mysterious girl turn out to be Akari

" Even so I like Tohno-kun even after today, the day after tomorrow,forever. Only Tohno-kun is on my mind,as I fall asleep."

My thoughts on Chapter 2

hm...What can I say about this chapter? Well, as usual the art is awesooommeee. very impressive ^ ^. What make me like this chapter even more is the BIG resemblance to reality. wow. This chapter has the best background art out of the 3 chapter. I also like how Kanae trying her best to confessed her feeling to Takaki, then how she finally realize that he never even once set eyes on her, and in the end never confessed to him. Thus wasting all her effort just to get close to him. All in all I would say that Chapter 2 is my favourite out of the 3. BTW, I prefered Kanae with long hair. X)

On to the screenshots for Chapter 2!

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