Saturday, January 5, 2008

5 centimeters per second (Byosoku no Go Senchimetoru).

Alright folks, this is my first anime Movie review, and I'm honored to let this be my first, huhuhu XD. I gonna write a very very very long summary, that means that I gonna spend a whole lot of time typing this post, so be sure to read it. Makoto Shinkai ( His is a professional japanese anime director and animator). His latest work "5 centimeters per seconds" just came out last year. I've also watch some of his previous works before “The Voices of a Distant Star” (Hoshi no Koe) and " The placed promise in our early days a.k.a "Beyond the cloud, the promise place" a.k.a "Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho" XD both are well directed movie and had awesome graphic . Now back to 5cm per seconds , the story build up was great and the artwork was simply breathe taking. Yesss, the artwork and graphics are simply amazing, this anime Movie has the best graphics I've ever seen , I have to say is the best best A++++ anime movie of the year of 2007 X). There’s no action, yes NO action in the show so it’s all about having the patience to pay attention to lots of dialogue. Unless, you don't have the patience or you just don't like watching sad movie etc, then I'll suggest you give this anime movie a pass. Distance between lovers is a common theme in Makoto Shinkai's works. Don't ask me why, perhaps he experienced this before when he was young? like lost contact with his girlfriend? lol
Anyway, there is three part in the story, yes that means they like separated into 3 episodes from the movie. Story is set in the early 19th century and centres around the relationship between a boy named Takaki Touno and a girl named Akari Shinohara. After their elementary school graduation, they are separated from eachother and the story tells of how their feelings for one another remains through the years as they grow up and how it ends. Don’t read the following summary if you don’t want any spoilers!
Here goes, prepared for a long summary and I apologies for any bad grammar. X)

Episode 1- Oukashou

The story starts off by introducing the little 13 years old couple, that is of course Akari and Takaki, we see them running along home after school under the falling cherry blossoms. Akari then tells Takaki that the cherry blossoms fall at “5 centimetres per second” and reminds her very much of snow. Akiri runs on ahead passed the railway and they are cut off by a passing train.

Young 13 year old Akari and Takaki.

A train passes by and cuts them off.
It is now been a year since they last met at their elementary school graduation and they have been keeping in touch via letters (They are parted because of family movement) . Akari wonder if Takaki still remewmbers her. soon it's winter and they have decided to meet up again before its time for Takaki move to another palce to Tanegashima . Well, some place that was going to put Takaki and Akari at a much greater distance from each other. Takaki draws up the station from a map that he must go thorugh to get to Akari, who is there waiting for him and rushes of to the train station after school.

Akari's letter telling Takaki to take care and that she will be waiting for him in the waiting room at seven o'clock ( They never subbed it, I got this translation from a websites. )

On the train, there are some flashback scenes where Takaki remembers how he and Akari first met and the happy times they had together. They had both transferred to the same school around the same time due to their parent’s work. Being the small chilredns, they have weak bodies and easily feel ill, so they like to hang out at the library most of the time. Naturally, that is how they become friends but becoz of that, their classmates started to tease them. However, neither of them were worried about it at all as long as they were together.

Takaki and Akari at the library.

Akari being teased in class because of time she spends together with Takaki.

love love XD.

Thx Takaki.

Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. Akari soon phones Takaki telling him that she will be moving and going to a different junior high school. She had tried to ask her parents to let her stay but they wouldn’t let her because she wasn’t old enough to take care of herself yet. Akari cries and Takaki doesn’t know how to comfort her.

Akari cries while telling Takaki that she will be moving away.

Takaki doesn’t know how to comfort her.

And back to the present, the bad weather is picking up and snow is causing train delays. Where we see Takaki is left standing out in the station waiting for his next train. While waiting, he decides to get something to drink from a vending machine But while looking for change in his pocket, he drops the letter he spent 2 weeks writing for Akari…

Takaki loses the letter he spent 2 weeks writing with everything he wanted to tell Akari.

The train soon arrives but is stopped along the way due to the blizzard. Takaki was very late now and there was nothing he could do while sitting on the train for 2 hours. He remembers how sad Akari was when she phoned him a year ago about how they had to part. She also sounded very lonely in her letters. She must be very sad right now too waiting for him and he hopes she’s gone home.
Takaki can only wait as the train he is on stops for 2 hours.
Arriving 4 hours late, Takaki is surprised that Akari is still there. There is a short happy reunion as they share some food together that Akari made. It’s time for the station to close so the couple is ask to leaves into the snow. Akari takes Takaki to the bare cherry blossom tree she told him about in her letter. For a moment they stand in silence then slowly, they lean in and kiss. That night, they spent their time chatting together in an abandoned shed nearby and before they knew it, they fell asleep.

Akari cried .. she finally get to meet Takaki.

The pair finally meets and spends their time eating the food Akari prepared.

The next morning, Takaki takes the first train back to Tokyo. They are sad to part again but Takaki promises to keep in touch via the phone and letters. After watching the train leave, Akari also takes out a letter that she has been writing to give to Takaki personally. Perhaps it was not needed. She never give it to him. Meanwhile back on the train, Takaki wishes that he had the power to protect Akari from sadness and stares out at the passing scenery. End of Chapter 1.

Both of them looking at the bare cherry blossom tree.

Seperated again.

Sayonara Takaki

Maybe the letter she had prepared weren’t needed after all.

My thoughts on chapter 1.
The build up in the first story “Okashou” was done really well as Takaki made his way to meet Akari a year later. Watching the clock tick away, dropping the letter he spent 2 weeks writing, train stopping through the snow, sitting 2 hours on the train… You could feel how painful the wait was. Then that happy little reunion! Then AGAIN being seperated. Damn, why it has to be so sad.

Zzzzz, I'm getting tired for typing all this summary..will continue the 2 other chapters tomorrow.

Here are some screenshots from Chapter 1 ( Just look at the graphics, and the backgrounds they look so real. )

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