Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Nostalgic feeling...=D 1st day school reopen at Puay Chai

hehehe...Puay Chai ar, my ex-school. Long lost school..lol...
Wow, it has been a very long time since I last went there wei. =) It really does bring back lots of lots of my old memories.
I went there is because of the only and sole reason = to bring my standard 2 bro to school...X)
I am always hoping and waiting to get a chance to see my primary school again, never thought now i finally get the chance to have a look. =p
Once I stepped into the school ground on that day, I have this very exciting feeling to be back..hahaha..
The same guard house.... the same bookstore..OMG..i still recognize the aunty at the bookstore, wow.. work so many years ar..hahahaha..I still remember when I was 7 or 8, almost everytime after recess, i would run down to the bookstore to buy Pokemon erasers, got 1 time i buy too many ady then let the aunty scold, almost make me cried....hahaha...
Then, there is also the spot for me and my friend to hang out all the time. Everytime during recess I would always be there with my friends playing around..behind the canteen..the longkang walkway there...haha very dirty and smelly wan..but we still hang out there..xD
The school really did change alot. I can barely recognize the canteen as it has been upgraded to a second floor and was added new decoration and is much more cleaner and brighter. Unlike the old times when the canteen is always dark and dirty plus is was hot..hahaha..xD
I saw my standard 5,6 form teacher..waa..she still look the same, but sadly i cant greet her as she seems to be busy with her works.=(
I saw many others familar looking teachers as well...there is also this teacher who teaches me tuition when I was standard 2,3 was still around at that school..waaaa...all like so busy..cant greet all of em..new school term eh...what a busy day for a teacher. =)
But really la...damn alot of memories...i keep smiling as I walk alone and slowly taking my time exploring the school..and at the same time, remembering old memories what I used to play at those familiar places. Really happy to be back at my ex-school. =) not regretting going at all. =D

School days really does looks fun afterall. I really wish to be back in school. but too bad, i'd already reached the stage where I can't return, sorry school..=( but I will always cherish those happy moment and will never forget my friends. ^^
The place where I used to hang out with my friends. smelly and dirty .haha

Waaasai~ standard 1 students. That boy geng..1st day at school already started sleeping. I salute you. =D =D

Pek yau ar? lai lo..xD

Canteen =)

The place where I used to buy my food and drink.=)

The R&R spot I used to play with my friends and catch Ants. LOL xD

The stairs I always used to run and play with.xD

My spot where I used to sit and eat with my friends. Exactly at this position. xD

Canteen!! Changed alot. =)

My standard 6 classroom. The walkway that I always used. hahaha

Yeap.My standard 6 classroom. =D *front*


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