Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Some random screenShots

Ok, some random screenshots of "Little Busters" (Visual Novel). 'Key's' latest game.
You guys just got to love "Key" for creating such awesome game. I mean the story is just OMG. Luv it. Seriously lo, 'Key' previous games such as Kanon and Clannad are really well-made.
Why anime rox. Becoz there are stories like Kanon and Clannad...hahaha.. and now "Little Busters".
'Key's' stories are always very sad . It's really touching. T__T

This game is in jap BTW, haiz..if only I can understand. Luv the OST,character design,visual and everything. T___T.
And I'm dying of waiting for Clannad: After Story's anime. Mid October release. I so gonna dl it and watch it ASAP. xD

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