Sunday, June 29, 2008


OMG!! You got to watch this video. Found it from a freind's blog.
The 1st time I'd watch it, I laugh till I cried. LOL
Those who watch Death Note the Animation will find it much more funnier. It was so damn hilarious. This video so godly made. ----> MASTERPIECE 11/10 ...xD

What Tarot Card are You?

You are The Hermit

Prudence, Caution, Deliberation.

The Hermit points to all things hidden, such as knowledge and inspiration,hidden enemies. The illumination is from within, and retirement from participation in current events.

The Hermit is a card of introspection, analysis and, well, virginity. You do not desire to socialize; the card indicates, instead, a desire for peace and solitude. You prefer to take the time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent but these feelings eventually lead to enlightenment, illumination, clarity.

The Hermit represents a wise, inspirational person, friend, teacher, therapist. This a person who can shine a light on things that were previously mysterious and confusing.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Neon Genesis Evangelion

The 26 Episodes series. (1995-1996)

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth (First Movie) (1997)

Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion (seond movie) (1997)

Evangelion 1.0 Movie - You Are [Not] Alone (third movie) (2007-2008)

Will start watching this anime. The original series 1st. =D

Click here for more info about this series.

After reading the article in todays STAR Variety newspaper (Pg7) , saying that the new movie "Evangelion:1.0 You Are (Not) Alone" will be premiers at the Cathey Cineplx in Damansara. I was quite shock actually, anime movie showing in our local cinema? O.O.
Sadly, no one teman me go watch wan la, since I don't even have a friend who watch anime at the moment, might as well download it from my comp. But before that, I must watch the original series 1st (26 episodes , created in 1995) then the 2 movies + this new ones . =D
I'm a newcomer to this anime. Don't know whether nice or not, but I heard is very darn~ famous that won alot of awards. sooo.... I will give it a shot.
I probably knew this anime a long time ago, but just don't know the title. haha~ coz its really looks so familier to me when I was younger.

On a very random note.
Today Euro Cap Final. WTF...Shud I watch? but tmr got school. T.T

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Let's revive back my blog. xD

Oh..Been a long time since I last updated my blog, so yeah, here I am.. trying to bring it back to life.

Erm, this past few days, nothing much. During Sport's day at school, I Ponteng sekolah, went to cyber.. omg..omg omg, I can't believe I actually did that. T-T now I feel guilty. Been a long time since I last play truant. and I promised myself not to do that again. Haiz, coz of my addiction to DOTA la. Deng. WTF la. Waste money somemore. ARRR.. have to forget about dota, focus on study ( which I don't think I can improve) and save money to buy more Anime related stuffs, especially figurines and Gundam modal kit to decorate my room ( to show off my Otaku pride xD LOL ).
That day.. sports day, heard that alot of people was disappointed by the results. especially KRS members, say they've do their very very VERY best, march so well and they lost, hardwork all go to waste. Blame the judges . -.- ( This is the sole reason why I quite the marching team for scouts. Then after that I quite scouts. xD ) Well, they just have to accept the truth and move on with their life. Just dont dwell into the past. =D

As usual at home, endless anime download, watch anime and some latest movie, manga, books, practise drawing.

And I actually realize that my drawing is slowly starting to improve. I'm so glad.. T-T

Drawing is my only talent I guess, but my study sux, results was horrible. fail 5 subjects. Wow, first time in my life. Plus, 4 more days to RKA day, how am I suppose to expect my mom to see the horrible results of mine? Damn, I dont want to think about it, this is why I hated myself for so long, I don't know why... Im so stupid. Dumb, can't study, even though I try my best, keep telling myself not to give up, the result is still the same..Same. Where did it go wrong?...

hai hai next topic

whyyy must they have to be like that.
There was once I met this guy (actually is a Taman SEA students. I'm not mentioning Name.) I was in cyber playing Dota.( I know.. I know, lan ci people playing dota is very common) and ok, I admit im a noob, not as good as him, but WTF, when we lose the game , he come and check who's the one playing. and he saw my comp, and say

( Those who play Dota will know what Im trying to say)

Boy " Its you ar ? omg...You buy "mekanisms" for what? Don't buy la. Noob!!
Me "Why? If not.. what should I buy"
Boy "Fuck la, you buy also never use. Use lan meh? You noob la "
Me *Starting to get REALLY pissed but was able to clam down*" What? I already use it so many times, U never saw?"
Boy "......... no"
Me " erm, I use it la!! Haiz, I dont care . Believe what you believe. And why you keep solo? farming at natuaral creeps. never help when people gangbang us?
Boy " your team so fuking noob. that game cannot play wan la.

That time, I was so damn pissed off..haiz, this world is so fucked up, lan ci people everywhere..
If only ,If only the Death Note exist. I seriously really gonna write down their names.

Hiaz, after typing this much, I think I will stop here.
Oh, and I will change my layout soon. =D (really dont like my current layout)
Today, I really in a bad mood. Came back from Sunway by teksi. money kena frame by the teksi driver..haiz. Really la, these ppl arrr..shud burn in hell. I have nothing to say.

Saturday, June 7, 2008


MSN not working...T_T