Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Song Title - Kokoro

I heard this video can made u cry...if you understand japanesse that is...
Haiz, I want Subs la..deng...

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Tagged... =.=

Real name: Hoe Chong
Nickname : "Baka" or "BakaOtaku" (I used this name around the net, game etc...) Dun really have a nickname though.
What do people normally mistake your name as : How Cheng? Hoe Chung? xD Aiya they somtimes cant pronounce properly wan la...=.=
Birthday : 14th August 1992
Birthplace : Taiping, Perak
Time of Birth : Dunno...=.=
Single or taken : Single la....
Zodiac sign :Leo

[Your Appearance]
How tall are you : 17x something gua~~ Im short..T_T
Wish you were taller :
Yeah..Of Course
Eye colour : Black+Brown
Eye colour you want : Dont want any , my natural colour is good enough. ( actually if asian ppl haf colourful eyes, very creepy wan wei...=.=
Natural hair colour : Black+Brown
Currect hair colour : same as above
Short or long hair : Short
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color : Light Brown??
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair : Dramatic as in .....???
Glasses or contacts : Glasses.. parents dont allow contacts. = =
Do you wear make-up : No way!!!
Ever had hair extensions : noooooooo...=.=
Paint your nails : Paint it once.....><

[In the opposite gender]
What color eyes : Black/Brown
What color hair : Natural black is enuff colourful for wat, cosplaying meh?
Shy or Outgoing : mixture....=D
Looks or personality : Both, but I will look at her personality 1st.
Serious or Fun : Both....
Older or Younger than you : I prefer younger....older is ok, but not too old la...

[This or that]
Flowers or Chocolate : Chocolate...
Relationship or One night stand : Relatonship.....
School or work : Schoolll......
Love or money: Obviously, love la...
Movie or music : Music, dont really watch movie nowadays, coz busy watching anime nya!~
Country or city : Country...
Sunny or rainy days : drizzling, fine dense rain will do...
Friend or family : Both!

[Have you ever]
Lied : Wa...JUst who in the world never lied before wan ar???? xD
Stole something : Nope...I dont remember stealing ppl stuff... ^ ^ I good boy ma.. xD
Hurt someone close to you : =.=//another stupid question...ppl are not perfect u noe...
Broke someone’s heart : dunno
Had your heart broken: waa....break liao ..sei lor...xD
Wondered what was wrong with you : Always.....
Wish you were a prince/princess : Dun want...
Liked someone who was taken :
Shaved your head : Nooo.....
Used chopsticks : o.O .................
Sang in the mirror to yourself : alomost everyday...=.=

Flowers : Sakura ..Cheery Blossom... ^ ^
Candy : I dont really eat sweets....
Song : some techno, Jap songs (techno will sometimes get bored easilly...-.-)
Color : Sky Blue
Movie : errr....dunno....too many....
Singer : Aya Hirano
Word : swt .........= =
Junk food : Dont really eat junk food...hate it sometimes
Location : Japan?? o.O
Ever cried over someone : yeah
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself : I want to be a Pro artist...xD
Do you think you’re attractive : Yes?? no???
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose : dunno..
Do you play any sports : Badminton and Ping Pong.....

List (8) random facts about yourself
1. Im dying to go to japan...or even wanna migrate there..T_T
2.I wanna learn japanese... ( will start learning starting August.. ^ ^)
3.I like Anime related stuff....Figurines, Manga..etc
4.I wish I can go back in time..
5.I dislike ppl who always lan ci..... ( shit, i feel like punching em in the face...-.-)
6.I want to play FINAL FANTASY 7 CRISIS CORE.. T_T
7. I wan tto have a better future...
8. I wish I can draw my own manga....

Thursday, April 17, 2008


1) What color are your eyes? - Black
2) How tall are you? - 170+
3) Where is your dream house located? - JAPANNNN!!!!!! xD
4) Have you ever taken pictures in a photo booth? - Yup
5) When was the last time you were at Olive Garden? - Nahh, I'd never been to a Italian restaurant before
6) Where was the furthest place you traveled today? - Beijing China...( I so wanna go to JAPAN!!!! T_T)
7) Do you like mustard? - Mustard Plant ? o.O
8) Do you prefer sleep or eat? - Both!!!
9) Do you like your mum or dad? -Well, of course both!!!!
10) How long does it take you in the shower? - er..5-10 minutes....
11) Can you do the splits? - No. Last time can, when I was learning Taekwando la. xD
12) What movie do you want to see right now? - Currently nothing...
13) What did you do for New Year's? - well, nothing much... at home watching Anime?...aiya New years is like any other normal days to me nia..
14) Do you own a camera phone? - Yup
15) Was your mom a cheerleader? - Helll Nooo...if she was, I will be like.. O.O''''
16) What's the last letter of your middle name? - E??????
17) How many hours of sleep do you get at night? - Weekdays (7-8 hours) Weekends ( 3-5 hours)
18) Do you like care bears? - ????? Apa tu???
19) What do you buy at the movies? - Drinks? Popcorn?
20) Do you know how to play poker? - Yes, but I'm a newbie so dun bully.... xD
21) Do you wear your seatbelt? - Yes when I'm sitting in the front seats.
22) What do you wear to sleep? - normal clothing...T-shirt
23) Anything big ever happen in your hometown? - Nope Nothing happen...
24) How many meals do you eat a day? - 3-4
25) Do you always read Friendster bulletins? - Noooooooooo
26) Do you like funny or serious people better? -Both
27) Ever been to L.A.? - Nope.....( But still Japan come 1st xD )
28) Did you eat a cookie today? - Nope...
29) What are you thinking right now? - Ciao~~~

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Visual Novels.....(Screenshots) =)

Why Am I So Tired...??

What happened to me ? everytime..Everyday..when I wake up and get ready for school, I feel so sleepy, tired, I can hardly opens my eyes....and sometimes I even sleep during class period, (not to mention, especially Sejarah, I'm not saying the teacher is lousy or wat, is just that I dislike the Topic ..Wat la, Form 4's Sejarah Topic is soooo00 darnnn boring. TAMADUN MANUSIA all the way, deng deng deng.....)
I can ZZZZzzzzzzzzz....-____-'//
but still I must urge myself to study. Prepaire for Mid-Term...
Even though I slept early, the next day I still feel sleepy and wanna go back to ZZZzzzz... thats why ppl in my class keep saying me I'm blurr ....-______-
Perhaps I watched Anime for long hours...LOL, but you know, I can't survive without ANIME!!! Xp
ANyhow, today I got back my Geografi's test papers and guess what, I failed...=.='
My first time... lowest marks I get for Geogeafi, 30% woot~~~ break record wei.
Crap, I have to starts studying, if not MID-TERM...GG.
Especially SEJARAH! I didn't even start looking at the 1st topic untill now. o.O