Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year~~

Well, Happy New Year 2008, bye bye 2007. wtf... I'm bored. Xp

Wednesday, December 19, 2007!

my room ^ ^

Ok, here are some of the stuff I got from comic fiesta..
Huhuhu, the limited edition Kingdom Hearts 2 artworks. lol
lan off

ok, another work by Ben.
also by Ben.
Chibi Shana...XD

hehe, my 1st chibiz figurine..(Suzumiya Haruhi)

More pictures from Comic Fiesta

aiya, lazy la~~~~too many pictures, if you need more pictures PM me. lol

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Comic Fiesta 2007

Alright, I might be abit late, but heck.. since I have time might as well post somthing. Well, about this year Comic Fiesta, is very disappointing~~ serious... there's really nothing special. This year Comic Fiesta was held at Time Square.

Well, for the events itself. I reached there about 12am, and looked up from the entrance just to see a huge bunch of people lining up at the entrance. When I went in, I saw a lot cosplayers busying tidying themselves up and everything, lots of pro artists showing off their own artworks, selling doujinshi, people walking around etc etc~~ To tell you the truth, I seriously don't like any of the cosplayers at all (except Kon from Bleach and a girl cosplay a erm.... a goddess??? lol ) there's also a cosplay competition, Haruhi and Keroro

Aiya, there's nothing much... although is very disappointing , arh~~ at least is still worth going ..haha coz I bought some stuff there..^ ^

Anyway, on to the pictures~~

Friday, December 14, 2007

Mahou Sensei Negima! (Live Action)

Hmmm~~As you can see in the image above, the cast for the live action Mahou Sensei Negima! drama has been decided. And I was kind of surprised that the ages of the actresses are range from 12 to 24 ( I think) Hmm, (some so ugly, i can't stand it, yuck~ I rather watch the Anime XD)
And you know what!! The person who play Negi Springfield is a girl WTF Kanasai~~Pui, pui puii~~=.='
Well, that's all I know, the official site has the profiles of each of the girls--
Anyway, the drama starts in the fall of this year, and I think is gonna sucks. XD
hmm~~Who is the actress playin' Asuna anyway, I don't know which one is Asuna. Lol XD

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Just finished watching Da Capo Second Season~ (spoilers)

Don't you think they are too young to get married? arr,hu cares...nice ending~~lol
remind me of love hina ^ ^

Kisu~~Kawaii desho? ^ ^

Kotori so Kawaii~~ ^ ^

^ ^

Here's the plot for the first season-
The anime D.C. series is centered around Sakura Yoshino's return to Hatsune-jima, and also the relationship between Nemu and Jun'ichi Asakura. The plot follows the game's scenario where the player (as Jun'ichi) chooses Nemu, placing him in the middle of a love triangle that began when he, Nemu, and Sakura were children. Sakura later discovers, to her horror, that the magical sakura tree that granted the wishes of the people on the island has caused Nemu to fall ill because of her jealousy, and so she resolves to put the tree to death. Her decision, however, causes the wishes granted to be broken.
Da Capo Second Season Plot-
The D.C.S.S. anime, set two years after the events of D.C., is centered around Aisia's story, and her adventures with the Plus Situation characters Tamaki, Nanako, and Alice. Nemu appears midway through the series as a student nurse, and Sakura returns to Hatsune-jima a few episodes after that. The major conflict of the second season is Aisia's idealistic and carefree use of magic, versus Sakura's pragmatic and realistic view of magic. Aisia(hate her,go to hell) manages to revive the magic sakura tree in order to grant the desire of all the girls who love Jun'ichi (Right, this is the reason why I hate her, She revive the god damn tree. She thinks that every girls who love Junichi will be happy, she was wrong, if everyone love Junichi, the other girls will feel jealous, hurt etc..)She discovers, as Sakura did, that the tree has no compunction against hurting Nemu to grant this wish, and comes to the same conclusion that Sakura did two years earlier. At the series' close, she visits Jun'ichi and Nemu's wedding as a more capable magician. (Fuk, i thought she disapear for sure, and never come back again, how dare she visits Junichi and Nemu's wedding _l_)

Alright, I just finished watching Da Capo / Second Season, so I'll do some short review about thisseries. I tell ya, DC S.S is one of best romance+comedy+drama+ecchi?? (not really) series I've seen so far. I found this series very nice. Da Capo Second Season is as good as Kanon 2006 and much more better than the first season.

Anyway, Da Capo Second Season somewhat continues where the first season left off, where Nemu has disappeared to nursing school leaving Junichi open from the rest of the girls in the series. (All the girls have to take care of him during Nemu absents, arrrr!! lucky bastard- for example- prepared breakfast/dinner/lunch/bento box for him, wake him up every morning, wash the cloths? etc.)
I actually expected the other Season 1 characters to come into the limelight, when Nemu left the scene, like Kotori ~(The pink hair girl, She got to be my most favourite character in Da Capo series, and I think she look much more better with Junichi, I like her more than Nemu ^ ^) but a completely new character was focus on instead~Aisia. Ok, I hate to say this, but she is the one I HATE THE MOST, SHE'S AN ASSHOLE, SHE RUIN THE SHOW, GO TO HELL AISHA, I DON'T WANNA SEE YOUR ANNOYING FACE , _l_ -.-_l_ this is for you Aisha. erm, just watch the show, and you know why I hate her so much. Anyway, Aisha is a witch , She is the only reason there’s a plot in Da Capo SS ( That's why I say she ruin the show.) She was so totally obsessed with magic and that is what make her look like an idiot,lol... sori. In other news, I'm okay with Nemu being on the show as long as she don't interfered with Kotori and Junichi all the way. Is not like I hate Nemu, is just that I want Kotori and Junichi to be together for some times, love those scene when they are together. ( I've already said this right, that I like Kotori more than Nemu. lol) (You know, Kotori really loves Junichi, when she was trying to confess her feeling to Junichi, but she's trying her best not to, because she don't want to caused trouble for him, since Junichi has Nemu already, so the only choice left is to wish Junichi and Nemu to be happy together..ahhhhh, i feel the pain~~ seriously,.it hurt me so much~~T_T poor Kotori.)

The animation, character design, story, voice acting( seiyuu) etc. They all just look fine to me. Speaking of seiyuu, they are all very good...really.
-Yui Horie voice Kotori (Yeah!! I'm so happy, Yui has a more mature voice in this show though.)
-Yukari Tamura (also one of my favourite seiyuu, she voice Sakura (The yellow hair girl) ^ ^.
Well,Overall this series is a must-watch for all Otaku out there. highly recomanded~~If you like Shuffle!, I think you'll like this series for sure. ^ ^ WATCH IT!!!

Rating-9/10 (arrg~~ stupid Aisha, ruin the show...but still worth watching. ^ ^)