Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Shakugan No Shana Second - Episode 2

Short Summary: Annoyed by Yoshida, Shana decides to ask Chigusa (Yuuji's mom) for help so she can make Yuuji a bento for him as well. But this means sacrificing time for Yuuji's training. so in her place, she asks Wilhelmina to take care of that. Wilhelmina is not pleased with the idea of having train Yuuji, and she is annoyed that Shana picked Chigusa over her for cooking. Chigusa wonder why as well, Shana explains that Wilhelmina can't cook anything that are suited for the bento box. With Wilhelmina annoyed thinking about Shana, she forgets to control her strength while training Yuuji and almost ends up strangling him to death. Then it is reveal that Yuuji is now different from the past, after the incident at the Serei-den (Serei-den is the Bal Masque base, you will get to watch this from the first season. and if you don't know wtf is Bal Masque, well is an organization of Tomogara, and is currently lead by 3 powerful Tomogara called the Trinity.~ You can read the rest in Wikipedia~=D) the "Reiji Maigo" inside Yuuji absorbed and stored all the power of existence that overflowed that night , so now Yuuji has the potential to become strong , all that left is to control it. During lunch at school, Yoshida gives Yuuji the lunch that she prepared for him as usual. When he's about to start eating, Shana finally work up the courage to give him her bento box, but the problem is she can't manage tto prepared a proper lunch, stuffing a whole bunch of melon bread instead. Yuuji is happy that both Shana and Yoshida are going so far for him, so he has no choice but to finish them both. Shortly, during class lesson, Yuuji passes out from a stomach ache. Shana and Yoshida rush him to the nurse room where then they have a argument over him. Shana blames Yoshida that is her fault for making him lunches, and tell her to stop from now on because she can't have Yuuji fight in this condition. But Yoshida doesn't back down, she says that Shana is being unfair by trying to use fighting as an excuse , that her lunches their fights are not related. amd that she'll continue to love Yuuji. Suddenly, Shana spots a "fuzetsu" through the window . she quickly wakes Yuuji up and tell him off to fight . leaving Yoshida powerless, the only thing she can do is wish Yuuji good luck and be careful. When they enter the fuzetsu, they realize that something is wrong, they can't feel any presence of their enemy at all, and realizes that the scene in front of them is just like the night at the festival where they fought the professor. Recalling their fight with the "tomogara" the other day, Yuuji explain to Shana that this is just another dream. and surely enough, upon realizing that, the scene in front of them quickly fade away. but the dream doesn't completely go away, Yuuji quickly figure out why, and realize that Yoshida saying good luck to them and isn't acting like her usual self. Since they are inside the dream world and it's a world based on their memories, that means that Yoshida is also under the spell influence. Yuuji fear is confirm when they ran into Yoshida and find her unconscious and chained up on the wall. so the only way to destroy the dream world is to wake Yoshida up. just before they can do anything, a "Tomogara" appear infront of them. The "tomogara" introduce herself as Mare, and tells them that Yoshida will never wake up and they will never escape this dream world. Mare then create a clone of Bel Poel ( one of the Bal Masque member) to fight Shana. Shana then tells Yuuji to concentrate on waking Yoshida up so they can get out of this dream world. Just then, Yuuji realize something weird, the attack that Shana fires at the "Tomogara", it is completely uneffective. taht seems a little weird, remembering that Shana said that the core of the tomogara is small, he realize the true target is the "Reiji Maigo" inside him. but it's too late to do anything, because Mare is already inside Yuuji. However, when Mare grab the Reiji Maigo, a force repels her and burns away half of her body, and she call it a Keeper that is protecting the Reiji Maigo. When Mere near her death, she tells Shana and Yuuji that when she died, the dream world will collapses along with everything in it. Yuuji then quickly goes back to trying wake Yoshida up, and surprisingly, just hearing his voice is just enough to do it. the three of them then snap out of the spell and find themself back in the nursees room at school. Yuuji then thanks Yoshida for saving them, relived but tired from the fight, Yuuji passes out again. Knowing that Yoshida own her one, Shana now allowed her to keep making bento for Yuuji as long as she decrease the amount. And the next day at school, a new transfer student is introduce and she looks an awful lot like Hecate ( also 1 of the Bal Masque member ).

My opinion: Hmm..after summurizing it~~well, i have to admit that this epiosde is quite boring, but there where enough new stuff to make the episode worth watching . First off, is the return of the Bal Masque (so they never died eh, i didn't know~~ as i have not finish watching the first season) from the look of things, i think they will be the main enemies again. and the weird thing is..who the f**k is the transfer student?? is she really Hecate or just another girl who look just like her, well we will find out more about her in the next epiosde. On mre of a random note~~ i was wondering if we'll see the "Tomogara" with the horn again?? Supposely, she was just a part used by Mare, i want her to come back, seriously, i hope she does, i like her character design...huhuhuhuhu~ =D . so overall, it was an enjoyable episode.
Episode Rating - 7/10

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