Sunday, September 23, 2007

School Days - Episode 10

Short Summary:
This episode starts with Taisuke raping Katsura in a deserted classroom while Makoto and Sekai are outside the bonefire, dancing happily together.
The next day Makoto apologize to Katsura to her the other day. After listening to what Makoto said, Katsura is happy. Meanwhile, Taisuke also very happy~guess why!~ He look for Katsura to tell he was so excited yesterday~yeah raping her of course~ and tell her he got special ticket for cristmas~~er, i can't remember very well, i think is for dinner~ and that he want to spend time with her. Katsura behave very cold and tells him that she has no feeling for him, but is Makoto girlfriend, and he should forget about yyeterday.~how can he forgot such thing, lol~She leaves and the disappointed Taisike drop the tickets. He runs to Makoto to ask what's going on and weather he 2 timing Sekaii~he not only 2 timing, he hav sex wtih alot of girls already~ but Makoto confirm he is not going out with Katsura anymore. Then, when he goes outside to dump some garbage bags, he meets Setsuna, who once more wants him to promise to her he will look for Sekai, when she is gone~stop telling him, he is an idiot jezz~ Sekai still doesn't know that Setsuna is leaving the country.
Suddenly, Kotonoha turns up and ask Makoto weather he is free the next day, but turns her down and tell her that they don't see each other anymore. Then Katsura threatens Setsuna to tell Makoto that she kissed him during the school festival. ~and of course Makoto don't mind at all~ Setsuna then kiss Makoto and telling Kotonoha they are lovers now. Katsura can't belive what she sees and broke down. Finally Makoto tells Katsura he does not love her anymore.
~damn you!!Makoto~ Later Sekai looks for Makoto, but can't find him, so Setsuna offers to look for him. Actually she does find him, he is having sex with Otome in the PE room.
Afterwards Setsuna comes to Makoto's apartement to speak with him. She wants him to break up with Otome, so he id only Sekai's boyfriend. in return, she offering him her body, which mean having sex with him.
In the meantime, Sekai attend a party, she didn't it was bot going to be the real party, but the presentation of a vidoe taken by a hidden camrea in the lounge. Everybody freak out and Sekai's friend starts to cry and breaks down, while Sekai then saw Mokoto doing it wth Otome. Sekai starts to run and and try to call Makoto, but can't reach him in many tries. In the end Sekai meets Katsura on the bridge. Katsura is carrying a big bag which makes strange jingling sounds and asks for Makoto and Setsuna. When the two girls' eyes meet you can see Katsura's look is empty, her eyes are lifeless.

My opinion:
well, how would i say~~i never thoguht it could get that worse!! what an awesome episodes, lol.
There was a lot of developement for all the characters this time and some cruel hints were given that this could end really bad.~so i tot it would be 1 of the bad ending from the game~
Actually this episode started really bad with Taisike raping Katsura, at first i wasn't too sure about that, but after reading some comment at some random website i found, there is no doubt that those two had intercourse, and Katsura not making any sound, like shouting for help..i guess she was in a state of shock and just let him do it. ~oh my, he is so lucky~lol
And look at the third photo, i just discover sometyhing~~ what are thhose white stain on the floor?? WOAH!!.... lol


Jun said...

wow. the 3rd pic hr...din notice lol. 100% is have sex liao wan. lol.

Tan Hoe Chong said...

hahaha ya la....
he never wear condom