Friday, September 28, 2007

School Days - Episode 12 (final) ~Yeah!!! Happy ending...~~~ lol

Sekai!!! you noob la, kena PAWN~ by Katsura..=D
Wahahaha~~at last, died Sekai!!!!

yuck, she rip open her stomach~~

"Nice Boat" lol


Waaaaaa~~ like kena diu like that~~ Just kidding =D
Woah~~diu untill mati jor~~ lol

Wakakaka~~poor Katsura

come on just kill her~~

Woot Woot~~nice

Wooo~~~Bad omen =D
Just shut the fk up, Kasura is only for Makoto~~

Waaa, mother no teach ar?? Don't kiss infront of people...=.='

"Sayonara" ( means good bye) best frickin last message~~=D

Stabby Stabby~~~ xp

finally~~~ just finish watching episode 12..
hahahaa, the ending was!
Short Summary:
This episode starts with Makoto and Katsura walking along the street. Meanwhile, Sekai has cooked up a big meal at Mokoto's apartment, and call him to ask him when he will be coming back. aand it turn out Makoto is eating dinner with Katsura at a restaurant, after a nasty exchange of words regarding their child, Makoto said that he is not coming back and tells het to leave his apartment.
Angered, Sekai leaves Makoto place but return back after she spots Makoto and Katsura on the train. Makoto, meanwhile brought back Katsura to his apartment, he boils water to make tea but the door bell ring.Just when Katsura answers the door, Makoto then see Sekai slapping Katsura. Sekai tells Katsura leave Makoto alone, but Katsura tells her that she is Makoto’s girlfriend and accuses Sekai of seducing Makoto away from her and even reveals Setsuna’s true feelings for Makoto. Katsura and Makoto then kiss passionately in front of a shocked Sekai.
Afterwards, a flash back showing Sekai telling Setsuna of Makoto’s information appears. Sekai is haunted by her own demons, with her imagining Setsuna accusing her of stealing her crush.
Sekai wakes up the next morning, and receive a message from Makoto, telling her to go abort the baby. Makoto arrives at school and is relieved to see Sekai absent and shortly after receives a message from her saying she’s going to the hospital. Makoto and Katsura then have lunch at the roof like they did before and make love.
After school, Sekai meets Makoto at home and he asks her how was the visit to the hospital. Sekai remains silent, Makoto then say he'll go make some tea for her, but Sekai takes up the job. Makoto’s handphone receives a message and he checks it in his bedroom. He’s surprised to see it’s from Sekai, containing only a lot of white spaces, with a single phrase,untill he saw the words "Good Bye". Suddenly he turns around, only to get stabbed by Sekai, repeatedly, to his death . Sekai comes to her senses and immediately runs away from the house. Then Makoto’s body is discovered by Katsura later.
Katsura then messages Sekai, telling her to come to the rooftop at school. Sekai arrives only to find a blue bag on the bench they usually sit and she’s surprised by Katsura appearing behind her suddenly. Katsura asks her if she had went to the hospital, which Sekai says she did not. Katsura then accuses Sekai of making up the story of her pregnant in order to make Makoto hers. Katsura asserts her position as Makoto’s girlfriend and Sekai also says she’s Makoto’s girlfriend as well. Katsura points to the blue bag, saying Makoto’s inside it. Sekai opens the bag and was shock upon seeing the contents.
Katsura then take oout a knife and aattacks Sekai. Sekai tries to defend herself with the kitchen knife she used to stab Makoto, but Katsura is faster and she knocks away the knife and slices Sekai’s neck. To make sure of her words that she’s pregnant. A bloodied Kotonoha then stands by Sekai’s corpse, in an angle that suggest it’s from Sekai’s corpse, saying, “Just as I thought, it’s a lie. There’s no one inside.”
The show then cuts to a boat sailing in the middle of an ocean, towards a sunset, with Katsura lying down on the deck, hugging Makoto’s head. Her last words are, “We’re finally together alone now, Makoto-kun.” THE END~~~. After the ending song, theres a monologue of Makoto’s words at the beginning cuts in….

My opinion:
Oh wow~~wow wow wow...that was awesomeee~~~~lol. With this ending, School Days has most definitely sealed its place in anime history.Woot woot~~It was pretty appropriate for the TV stations to cancel this episode last week, as it’s truly, way, way more violent than I thought it would be.~~but awww, they should use red colour for the blood instead of black.
But man, in the end, Makoto did receive his divine retribution, lol, i'm so happy~~
and Sekai as well, although I can’t really say she did deserve it that much.
Well actually, i hate all the main character in his anime, especially Sekai,
is her fault for doing all those bad things like getting Katsura and Makoto together and taking Makoto for herself, all of this could have been avoided. But then again it's everybody's fault~~lol
What more, i hate Makoto and Katsura as well...
As for Makoto, of course~~ when he was doing it with Sekai, he should've wear a condom, so that she is not prangnant ~~lol
As for Katsura, she's crazy...she just can't leave Makoto no matter what, always Makoto~ Makoto~ Makoto~~damn~~espacially the ending, where she hug Makoto's head~~eww
crazy girl...
So guys, learn your lesson, don't ever betray the 1 you love..or else the same thing will happen to you again~~~lol

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

ecchiiii~~~~~~~~ (If you flag my blog, i will curse you.. lol)

erm~~~~hey i'm back, lol~~~well not really, my parents
are out somewhere , so i can online for awhile.~~~hehehe
Well, after reading To-Love-Ru Chapter 57, i just realize that the Mangaka (Yabuki Kentaro), is a peverted asshole. lol, no offence~~~ he draw alot of ecchi part in almost every chapter, i bet he watch too much H when he was young~~lol. but i have to agree that his art rawksssssss, he knws how to draw lots of pretty girls with nice body shape~~erm, i mean not like those blemish type wan~~ and the background also very well draw~~~everything so darn nice...
man....he can start to draw H already, if he want to~~~ I envy him


Look, this is just your typical "tentacles-raping" hentai~~lol, just kidding

Hahaha, funny~~~

Now there, this is just 1 of the examples~~lol

Again, tentecles~~~~=.='

woooo~~~scary, hehehe

Again~~~ =.='

Waaa~~~undead!! run run~~~

Woot~~~~ nice art....O.O

holy cow~~~ lesbian~~~lol.

erm, ecchi~~~~O.O

Waaaa, how i wish i can draw this nice.(please teach me Kentaro-sensei~~T.T)

Monday, September 24, 2007

Sorry guys!!

There will be no update untill the next 2 weeks...
Due to PMR examination...( i have to study~~~~~and be prepared~~~)
After PMR, i promise i'll keep my blog up to date almost every day....
so see you when i see you...=D

Sunday, September 23, 2007

School Days - Episode 10

Short Summary:
This episode starts with Taisuke raping Katsura in a deserted classroom while Makoto and Sekai are outside the bonefire, dancing happily together.
The next day Makoto apologize to Katsura to her the other day. After listening to what Makoto said, Katsura is happy. Meanwhile, Taisuke also very happy~guess why!~ He look for Katsura to tell he was so excited yesterday~yeah raping her of course~ and tell her he got special ticket for cristmas~~er, i can't remember very well, i think is for dinner~ and that he want to spend time with her. Katsura behave very cold and tells him that she has no feeling for him, but is Makoto girlfriend, and he should forget about yyeterday.~how can he forgot such thing, lol~She leaves and the disappointed Taisike drop the tickets. He runs to Makoto to ask what's going on and weather he 2 timing Sekaii~he not only 2 timing, he hav sex wtih alot of girls already~ but Makoto confirm he is not going out with Katsura anymore. Then, when he goes outside to dump some garbage bags, he meets Setsuna, who once more wants him to promise to her he will look for Sekai, when she is gone~stop telling him, he is an idiot jezz~ Sekai still doesn't know that Setsuna is leaving the country.
Suddenly, Kotonoha turns up and ask Makoto weather he is free the next day, but turns her down and tell her that they don't see each other anymore. Then Katsura threatens Setsuna to tell Makoto that she kissed him during the school festival. ~and of course Makoto don't mind at all~ Setsuna then kiss Makoto and telling Kotonoha they are lovers now. Katsura can't belive what she sees and broke down. Finally Makoto tells Katsura he does not love her anymore.
~damn you!!Makoto~ Later Sekai looks for Makoto, but can't find him, so Setsuna offers to look for him. Actually she does find him, he is having sex with Otome in the PE room.
Afterwards Setsuna comes to Makoto's apartement to speak with him. She wants him to break up with Otome, so he id only Sekai's boyfriend. in return, she offering him her body, which mean having sex with him.
In the meantime, Sekai attend a party, she didn't it was bot going to be the real party, but the presentation of a vidoe taken by a hidden camrea in the lounge. Everybody freak out and Sekai's friend starts to cry and breaks down, while Sekai then saw Mokoto doing it wth Otome. Sekai starts to run and and try to call Makoto, but can't reach him in many tries. In the end Sekai meets Katsura on the bridge. Katsura is carrying a big bag which makes strange jingling sounds and asks for Makoto and Setsuna. When the two girls' eyes meet you can see Katsura's look is empty, her eyes are lifeless.

My opinion:
well, how would i say~~i never thoguht it could get that worse!! what an awesome episodes, lol.
There was a lot of developement for all the characters this time and some cruel hints were given that this could end really bad.~so i tot it would be 1 of the bad ending from the game~
Actually this episode started really bad with Taisike raping Katsura, at first i wasn't too sure about that, but after reading some comment at some random website i found, there is no doubt that those two had intercourse, and Katsura not making any sound, like shouting for help..i guess she was in a state of shock and just let him do it. ~oh my, he is so lucky~lol
And look at the third photo, i just discover sometyhing~~ what are thhose white stain on the floor?? WOAH!!.... lol

Final Fantasy 7 remake for PS3 ?

The Tokio Game Show is coming up and Square-Enix give a hint related to Final Fantasy VII... Apperantly they shw a video of Final Fantasy 7, which could be the announcement of a new remake for PS3...

As we all remember there was a tech demo showing some Final Fantasy VII stuff when the PS3 came out, but Square said its just a demo to show the power of the consol and that they are not working on a complete remake... however, there are many fans out there that are waiting for a remake and it could bring Square-Enix a lot of $$$$.. yesssss, and PS3 gonna rock the world...

I sure am waiting too, and i hope they have the old battle system too, omg i want to see more Cloud, Aries, Barrett, Tifa etc.... in 3D … oh man, yes yes!~~xp

watch the video here...

Should I buy PSP, just for the sake of Final Fantasy 7 crisis core?? T.T

After watching the Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core trailer , i was already hooked to this game. Since i'm a die-hard fan of Final Fantasy 7 (when i 1st play the original game in PS1 ,that was like 5 years ago), now you know y, i can't just leave this game aside...oh why, why does it have to be PSP, why can't it be PS3 (i'm gonna buy PS3 anyway). Now, i have to waste so much money to buy PSP just to play this game. I don't care is Japanese version or not (since i already know the story), i just want to play this game so badly.~~~T.T
And if you don't know when does FF7:crisis Core take place, well it take place before FF7:AC and the original game...before Cloud and Co. adventure, there were this man called Zack, he always wanted to become SOLDIER, so he did, during his adventure, he meets alot of 1st class SOLDIER like Angeal, Genensis and the FF7 most famous villian~Saphiroth(at that time he was a good guy) then he meets Cloud (Cloud at that time is a low-rank Shinra soldier) and they become best friends..then at the end of the game Zack Died...ya he died..muahahaha i spoiled it for you...=D.. Why he died??? just play the game and find it out on your own.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Mushiuta - Episode 1

Short Summary:
Daisuke Kusuriya a.k.a Kakkou, he meets a green haired girl, who is possesed by a Mushi (insect). Before he shoots her, he promises to remember her dream.... but it seems the girl is not dead, but four years later she escapes a prison called GARDEN. Kakkou is a level one hunter of people posessed by mushis called mushitsukis. One night he and his gang hunt down a young man who is possesed. Now that he has to escape to survive he asks his mushi for help and a gigantic flying bug appears and takes him with it. An unknown man with a mushi himself helps him and tells him there's a group of people waiting for him.... they are all mushi posessed and their leader is a young girl called "lady". The young man doesn't make it and his mushi gets killed.... Lady is very angry!
Actually lady is a young high school girl called Rina Tachibana. the next day at school a transfer student is introduced. It's nobody else than Daisuke who is at school to find the unknown leader of the mushibane resistance. He knows she might be at that school, but he doesn't know it's Rina. The same day Riny is awarded for a picture she drew, and also she did not know anything about the nomination.... she's thankful. Daisuke sees the picture by accident abd tells her how beautful it is, but Rina is emberassed and tells him to leave. Still she turns red and watches him going away.
At a railroad crossing Daisuke sees the green haired girl. Both start to smile at each other and although the train is coming, Daisuke starts to run...

god, wasted so much time typing this.....

My Opinion:
When i watched this episode for the first time, i was touched by the awesome background music. i like this anime very much, especially the art, char design, Seiyuu (voice actor/actress) , story also not bad =D. but 1 thing i don't like about this anime is the fighting abit too, how to say...erm.... weird, i mean all the char using bug to fight each other...whoa bug, oh come on, that's so lame...=.='
Also it is very inetresting how Daisuke first reacts to Rina, yeah, i thought there might come up a sort of relationship, but then he meets the green haired girl and starts to smile and run like that...Question now is will he be crashed by the train~~lol, and is that the girl the one from four years ago. well, i won't spoiled it for u (maybe later~~lol) hurry up and watch it yourself before i spoiled it.