Sunday, March 28, 2010


yeah, i know ,not blogging for a few months ler...

Now i am back. here's a summary for what i've done this past few months.

-Stone at home.
I know lar, very lifeless one.....
what to do. no work + college still havent start.
Speaking of college, oh man, i cant wait for my college to start.
Been to Open Day at TarCollege. Reached there, kap tio many many leng lui..hehehe, no need scare can't find la..hahaha xD
well, I'd already applied for my course, that is Multimedia Design. Yeah, at 1st i was thinking of taking up hotel one, but then I think twice la of course, must really choose the corect path marh. . so was thinking quite some time,in the end decided to take up design wan, as i have interest in drawing and creative. =)
Really kinda excited to be studying in a new environment, hope it can meet my satisfaction la. 10th of May start lesson. still need to wait till so long. =.=
Oh well, no choice but to slowly wait la.
